I have decided to jump on the bandwagon and do Leslie Saeta's 30 in 30, which is her Thirty Paintings in Thirty Days Challenge. An ambitious undertaking, I know, but I am convinced it will reap great rewards. I am a big proponent of doing studies so this challenge will be right up my alley. Participants are asked to post their first painting on February 1, so I have a lot of decisions to make before then.
Among the things to consider are the medium, the theme/subject, color palette, tools, surface and lastly, how large to work. None of these need be written in stone but I feel being consistent for these 30 days will yield the best results.
Another consideration is whether to not to set a time limit per painting and, if so, how long? Twenty minutes, an hour, three hours? It will depend on the size of the painting. I'm leaning toward an hour at the most because it will be a tremendous help in my goal of distilling a subject to its essence and will hopefully, result in something strong and beautiful in its simplicity.
It's a little scary making this announcement but I'm doing it to keep myself accountable. I'm not expecting any masterpieces but I am expecting this to be a very valuable and rewarding endeavor. I have a feeling it will reveal things that are presently hidden, which is both exciting and motivating. I plan to keep a record throughout the process and will share a recap of the experience upon completion.
Along with posting on Leslie's 30 in 30 blog, I will also be posting on mine, gayesekula.blogspot.com. I invite you to subscribe if you would like to be notified as posts are made. It is a separate subscription from my newsletter. You have my word that unless I do another 30 in 30, you will never receive this many blog posts in such a short amount of time ever again! If you don't want to see them come day after day, you will be able to view them all at the end of the challenge.
Now off figure out what to paint.....
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