This was the last pose of Zhaoming Wu's workshop. As usual, numbers were drawn and we all took our places. As luck would have it, I chose the worst possible spot. No, really. It was the worst spot! I determined that it was a learning experience and that I just had to make do. Zhaoming asked if I wanted to move since several of our group left earlier in the day. So, move I did but, it took forever to get started because I knew we had precious little time remaining. I wiped the drawing off four times. I just couldn't let my last painting be the worst and decided better no painting than a bad one. Once we returned from break we had a little over 2 hours to paint. So, as you can see, it needed more refining but, I will leave it as is. A workshop is a place to learn and, over all, I am very pleased with the result.
This sweet model is Amy, the daughter of one of the other artists in the workshop. She did a great job!
11"x14", oil, not for sale