Monday, March 7, 2016

Kim Roberti, Portrait and Figurative Artist

I would like to introduce you to a dear friend and very talented artist, Kim Roberti. Kim was born in Viet Nam and came to America when she was 19. The following interview gives only a glimpse into her life. I encourage you to look through her blog and website in order to learn more about this very prolific artist. 

                              Website       Blog:

1) When and how did you first become seriously interested in Art?When I turned 50, I realized life was too short to stay at an unrewarding, but high paying job and be in drudgery.

2) What is your training, and what medium(s) / subject matter do you work in?At first I tried learning from books. I worked in all mediums: Acrylic, WC, Pastels and Oil,
learning how to handle each medium in different set ups, various landscapes,  both contemporary and chiaroscuro,  still life and  figures and portraits.

3) What do you try to express in your work?Personally, I found working with Figures and Portraits more suitable for me. This genre provided endless challenges in not just painting pretty pictures.  I want more than that. I want to create a sense that there's a dialog between my subjects and the viewers

4) What artists/professionals have been your biggest influences?David Leffel and Sherrie McGraw nurtured my patient and diligent work ethic. They are also who taught me the art of mastery and the subtle beauty in simplicity.In Milt Kobayashi,  I learned the dynamic of shapes and colors, the ease, and pleasure in painting what I want to see.Through John Asaro, I learned to see the world in beautiful shade of greys with exciting, bold brush work.And Tasha Tudor (who wrote and illustrated children books) from whom I learned determination and independent spirit. Quoted from Bernard Shaw she said " I can't quoted it exactly but the idea is that so many people complain about their circumstances, but those who get ahead made their own circumstances" Tasha Tudor has no studio, just a small corner "like a chipmunk's nest" in the kitchen where she sit beside the north facing window, balancing her work on her lap...wrote Richard Brown in The Private World of Tasha Tudor.

5) What do you do to gain new inspiration for your work?Often I found inspiration in books, music, and often take refuge in my garden..

6) What would you like to be doing with your art ten years from now?Maintain the same level of passion for creativity.

7) Do you set goals for yourself concerning the making of your art?I don't have any particular goal, except  to stay hungry (for knowledge) and curiosity (of all things) and the need to paint everyday.

8) Are you happy with your job choice as an artist? Do you have any regrets in this career choice or things you would have done differently?I don't see my work is a job. It is  life, a part of living, it's like taking a's not a conscious decision to make. AS IS LIFE, ART IS A GIFT & I'M GRATEFUL.

9) Any fun or interesting facts about yourself that you'd like to share?Being an introvert, I favor being with my books and my garden. and then I love to share a margarita and or some cheap wine with a few that are dear to me.

10) Best piece of advice for other artists?I want to share the sound advice I got from Oleg Starvowsky (western artist from Lago Vista TX)earlier in my career "Shut your door and paint" which I took to heart.


Teresa Cowley said...

Love her art. And wonderful interview, Gaye!

Gaye Sekula: Impressions said...

Glad you enjoyed it!