Saturday, December 10, 2011

Goals; it's that time again!

It is that time of year again; the time for setting goals for the year ahead. It is also time for evaluating the progress of the goals that were set for this year. I am very pleased to report that all but one have been achieved and the final one is on schedule for completion before the year is out. I am equally pleased to have found that, as a result of the goals that have been met, more opportunities have presented themselves.

Below is an excerpt of a post I made around this time last year. I encourage you to give it a try. Be sure to write down your goals and keep them where you can refer to them throughout the year. Doing so will greatly help keep you on track. It’s the first step in that thousand mile journey that makes and keeps you accountable to yourself.

Some suggest sharing your goals with someone who will keep you accountable. Others believe it is better to keep them to yourself to avoid the naysayers. You are the only one who knows which approach is best for you but, whichever you choose, write your goals down. Even if you have a support group, you are ultimately accountable only to yourself and your list will help you do just that. There is something almost magical about it, too! Don’t believe me? I challenge you to try it and report back to me a year from now. I’m telling you, it’s magic!

Here is the excerpt from one year ago:


Make sure that your goals are:


It is a wonderful and wise way to set and accomplish your goals. Write them out and review them periodically throughout the year to keep yourself on track. Being able to check them off your list will create even more momentum.

Now, go forth and set your goals!


1 comment:

B Lancton said...

Realistic and attainable are probably the features that are most important - at least when I look back on my mountain of failures. Good post, Gaye!